Pad Fi: A Year in Review and the Road Ahead

Pad.Fi | NearPad
3 min readJan 10, 2024


Reflecting on 2023: A Year of Innovation and Progress

As we bid farewell to 2023, the team at Pad Fi takes a moment to reflect on the journey we’ve traversed, the challenges we’ve overcome, and the exciting developments that lay the foundation for an even more remarkable future.

Navigating the Market’s Ebb and Flow

The year 2023 was marked by a slow start for the markets, a period of relative dormancy that lasted until the final weeks when a surge of activity hinted at the shifting tides. Throughout this time, the Pad Fi team remained steadfast in our commitment to a singular goal — building the future of decentralized finance.

Building the Next Evolution

Amidst the market fluctuations, our team diligently worked behind the scenes, dedicating over a year to crafting a best-in-class trading platform. This ambitious endeavour includes creating new core products, among which is a decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator built from the ground up. Additionally, we have incorporated cutting-edge features to facilitate advanced permissionless trading, all while researching and exploring asymmetric and adjustable liquidity curves.

The Bear Market as a Crucible for Progress

Embracing the mantra that “the bear market is for building,” 2023 became a year of focused development for Pad Fi. Our heads-down approach allowed us to tune out external distractions and concentrate on refining our product offerings. The result? Significant research and development progress that sets the stage for a transformative 2024.

What to Anticipate in 2024: A Roadmap Unveiled

As we stand on the cusp of a new year, Pad Fi is poised for an extraordinary chapter in its evolution. Here’s a sneak peek into what the Pad Fi community and the broader Web3 ecosystem can anticipate in 2024.

Multichain Expansion

Having initially bet on Near and Aurora, Pad Fi recognizes the need to scale its impact on a larger stage. To achieve this, we are expanding our horizons beyond a single blockchain. The decision to go multichain is rooted in our commitment to making Pad Fi accessible to all people and traders within the Web3 landscape.

A New Mission, a New Platform

In line with our evolved approach, Pad Fi will launch the new platform as a distinct project, embodying a refined mission. Our focus shifts from building a decentralized trading platform solely on Aurora to creating a versatile platform that caters to the diverse needs of the broader Web3 community.

Stay Tuned for Announcements

As we inch closer to the official launch of the new platform, Pad Fi will share further details and announcements. The team is eager to unveil the culmination of our efforts and invite the community to join us on this exciting journey.

A Year of Excitement

In summary, 2024 promises to be exciting for the Pad Fi community and team alike. The groundwork laid in 2023 positions us for success, and we look forward to navigating this next chapter with the support and enthusiasm of our dedicated community.

As we embark on this journey together, Pad Fi reaffirms its commitment to shaping the future of decentralized finance, one innovative step at a time. Stay tuned for what promises to be a groundbreaking year ahead!

The best is yet to come!

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